In order to keep up with the latest technology, many businesses and restaurants have begun to upgrade their payment solutions to stay up-to-date. iPads, tablets, and cloud-based POS systems have replaced the traditional cash register and the popularity of mobile wallets have expanded for consumers to use their smartphones to make purchases. With all of these newer forms of technology, some employees may not be as familiar with how these systems operate and work.
Below are some valuable tips on how to train employees on a modernized POS system:
Use Flexible Training
One of the best methods for training employees is modular training. Modular training offers short and flexible segments of training instead of an all day session, giving employees the ability to learn a little at a time. This method is also feasible as several employees can take off at various times to train, allowing some employees to still help run and manage their store or restaurant during normal business hours.
Develop a Training Plan
One of the first steps that will need to be done is creating a training strategy that will organize the various aspects of training all employees on the POS system(s) will need. Forming a training strategy will not only keep you and your employees focused on the areas that will be reviewed, but will also give a general guideline on what is expected of the employees to learn. Here are some main topics that should be discussed:
- General Information: How to turn the equipment on/off, how to log in with an employee ID, and how to navigate within the POS system.
- Inventory: Where to locate specific products or items within the POS system.
- Payment: How to process a transaction with various types of payments such as cash, card, check, EMV, mobile wallets, and other alternative payments.
- Other topics: How to process refunds, coupons or specials, and administer loyalty programs.
Demonstrate Troubleshooting Procedures
It is vital as a business owner to make sure your staff is prepared and knows how to handle technical issues that could arise, due to a system malfunction or human error. Having uneducated employees who do not know how simple tasks such as a refund or void a payment could cause a backup within the checkout lines and ultimately lead to frustrated customers. Some important troubleshooting techniques that employees should be trained on include how to restart the POS system if it freezes up, what to do if a system crash happens, and how to void an item.
Give Hands On Training
Many employees do not get sufficient training from reading a manual or listening to someone talk about a product. In order to for employees to retain information, it is important that they are given hands on training so they can test the POS system themselves. Make sure that employees are allotted time to practice payment transactions with each other so they are comfortable with processing a payment, refund, or what to do if there is a software error. Allowing your staff to get further acquainted with the POS system hands on will give them a better experience in the long haul, and give them confidence on using the machine with a customer involved.
Allow Continuous Education
Once your staff is familiar using the POS system, it would be beneficial to partner them up with an experienced colleague for a day or two so they have someone there in case they have any questions or concerns. After they are comfortable using the POS system, you should continue to monitor your staff and offer continuous education whenever a system/software update occurs that would need further training.
Having a well-trained staff is crucial in order for a business to stay operational. Merchants should develop and execute a flexible training strategy that outlines the aspects of operating a POS system and should also cover common troubleshooting issues that will happen. Giving hands on training and offering continuous education will improve the customer experience at the point of sale and lead to higher confidence from employees. By following the above tips, your business will be well on its way to having a seamless checkout experience.