Understanding the value that peace-of-mind holds for your customers is critical in today’s payment world. And with payment processing security, at the forefront of merchants’ minds, it’s crucial for ISOs to listen to the concerns of their customers.
Peace of Mind with Payment Processing Security
As a sales professional, listening to your customers’ needs and payment processing concerns can be the difference between a business succeeding or failing. This is the ‘Age of the Customer, and the kind of personal attention that it takes to address your customers’ worries is what will differentiate you from the competition and establish yourself as a true partner with those whom you do business.
When dealing with payments, one of the biggest concerns is payment data and credit card security with the threat of data becoming compromised. The nature of this threat is ever-evolving, and being up-to-date on the available payment processing security solutions is critical for any ISO.
Know the Enemy
Your partners may not know exactly what types of payment and credit card security threats they may face, which is why it is so important for ISO partners to be able to offer guidance on this topic.
By educating and guiding your partners on security issues in the payment processing industry, you help build that valuable peace of mind, which is foundational to establishing trust with your merchants. This transparency gives merchants the assurance that they are not merely a client, but a true partner in the eyes of your business.
Educating sales teams is key when it comes to payment data and credit card security. Can your sales professionals educate their partners on how to identify and handle phishing, malware, spyware, ransomware, or card skimming attempts?
If the answer is no, it is absolutely essential that they complete the necessary training to be able to confidently speak about these issues frequently encountered in payment processing.
Hear Your Partners’ Payment Processing Needs
Merchants are often busy dealing with the day-to-day tasks of running a successful business and do not have the time to sit down and analyze what the weak spots are in their software security.
But if a trusted payment processing partner, with knowledge of security risks and solutions, takes the time to ask them questions and come up with a payment security game plan, both parties can benefit greatly.
With these security threats more prevalent than ever, isn’t it time that you talked to your partners about their security concerns are and how you can best address them?
To learn more about payment processing security tools offered by First American, contact us here.